3. Bondage—a Covenant Curse

Just as Israel suffered bondage in Egypt, and later on became subjected by Assyria, so God’s end-time people experience a similar bondage. Their political leaders take them over and lord it over them as did the ancient Egyptians and Assyrians. An end-time “Assyria’s” world conquest culminates this bondage, so that from the time God’s end-time people apostatize, they begin to suffer the curse of being subject to enemies.

Isaiah 52:4–5

Thus says my Lord Jehovah:
At first my people went down to Egypt to sojourn there.
Then the Assyrians subjected them for nothing.
And now, what have I here? says Jehovah.
My people are taken over without price;
those who govern them
act presumptuously, says Jehovah,
and my name is constantly abused all the day.

Isaiah 10:1–2

Woe to those who enact unjust laws,
who draft oppressive legislation—
denying justice to the needy,
depriving the poor of my people of their right,
making plunder of widows,
mere spoil of the fatherless!

Isaiah 3:14–15

It is you who have devoured the vineyard;
you fill your houses by depriving the needy.
What do you mean by oppressing my people,
humbling the faces of the poor?
says Jehovah of Hosts.

Isaiah 59:15–16

When integrity is lacking,
they who shun evil become a prey.
Jehovah saw that there was no justice,
and it displeased him.
When he saw it, he wondered
why there was no man,
no one who would intercede.

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4. Tower of Babel