21. Israel’s Victory over Midian

When a Midianite alliance threatened to conquer and destroy Israel in the time of the judges, God raised up Gideon to defeat them. Isaiah predicts a similar victory over an end-time Assyrian alliance that threatens God’s people. On that occasion, his end-time servant—God’s “whip”—acts the part of Gideon. As the type or model of a righteous judge and warrior in Israel, Gideon forms one of a composite of types of Israel’s ancient heroes who foreshadow the saving roles of God’s end-time servant. Isaiah’s use of metaphorical pseudonyms such as whip, rod, and staff as aliases of God’s servant and the king of Assyria fills out much of his end-time scenario.

Isaiah 10:24–26

O my people who inhabit Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrians, though they strike you with the rod or raise their staff over you, as did the Egyptians. For my anger will very soon come to an end; my wrath will become their undoing. Jehovah of Hosts will raise the whip against them, as when he struck the Midianites at the Rock of Oreb.

Isaiah 19:20

When they cry out to Jehovah because of the oppressors, he will send them a savior, who will take up their cause and deliver them.

Isaiah 30:31–32

At the voice of Jehovah the Assyrians will be terror-stricken, they who used to strike with the rod. At every sweep of the staff of authority, when Jehovah lowers it upon them, they will be fought in mortal combat.

Isaiah 9:4

You have smashed the yoke that burdened them, the staff of submission, the rod of those who subjected them, as in the Day of Midian.

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22. Reconquest of the world