Whether as a celestial city or as a sacred place on earth, Zion was known as the abode of Israel’s God Jehovah. Jehovah was perceived as dwelling in Zion at the time Solomon dedicated his temple and God’s cloud of glory rested upon it that signified his presence. At the end of the world, when he comes to institute his millennial reign, Jehovah will again manifest his presence as he did with Solomon in Jerusalem and with Moses and Israel’s elders on Mount Sinai. To his new city will come even his people’s former enemies when he glorifies his dwelling place in the eyes of all nations.
Isaiah 2:2–3In the latter days the mountain of Jehovah’s house
shall be established as the head of the mountains;
it shall be preeminent among the hills,
and all nations will flow to it.
Many peoples shall go, saying,
Come, let us go up
to the mountain of Jehovah,
to the house of the God of Jacob,
that he may instruct us in his ways,
that we may follow in his paths.For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
and from Jerusalem the word of Jehovah.
Isaiah 24:23The moon will blush and the sun be put to shame,
when Jehovah of Hosts manifests his reign
in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem,
and [his] glory in the presence of his elders.
Isaiah 60:13The splendor of Lebanon shall become yours—
cypresses, pines, and firs together—
to beautify the site of my sanctuary,
to make glorious the place of my feet.
Isaiah 66:18I will come to gather all nations and tongues,
that they may approach and behold my glory.
Isaiah 12:6Shout and sing for joy,
O inhabitants of Zion,
for renowned among you
is the Holy One of Israel.