27. God’s Millennial Covenant

Jehovah’s millennial covenant consists of a composite covenant that embodies the positive features of all former covenants God made. Those former covenants include the individual covenants with Israel’s ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with King David and his heirs, and the collective covenant he made with his people Israel at Mount Sinai. The new covenant—which God makes after a cataclysmic destruction of the magnitude of the Flood—consists of God’s unconditional promise of an enduring posterity, a posterity he endows with his Holy Spirit, protects against all enemies, and grants lands of inheritance that are transformed to a paradisiacal glory.

Isaiah 54:1–3, 9–14

Sing, O barren woman who did not give birth;
break into jubilant song, you who were not in labor.
The children of the deserted wife
shall outnumber those of the espoused, says Jehovah.
Expand the site of your tent;
extend the canopies of your dwellings.
Do not hold back; lengthen your cords
and strengthen your stakes.
For you shall spread abroad
to the right and to the left;
your offspring shall dispossess the nations
and resettle the desolate cities. . . .

This is to me as in the days of Noah,
when I swore that the waters of Noah
would no more flood the earth.
So I swear to have no more anger toward you,
never again to rebuke you.
For the mountains shall be removed
and the hills collapse with shaking,
but my charity toward you shall never be removed,
nor my covenant of peace be shaken,
says Jehovah, who has compassion on you.

Poor wretch, tempest-tossed and disconsolate!
I will lay antimony for your building stones
and sapphires for your foundations;
I will make your skylights of jacinth,
your gates of carbuncle,
and your entire boundary of precious stones.
All your children shall be taught by Jehovah,
and great shall be the peace of your posterity.
You shall be firmly established through righteousness;
you will be far from oppression
and have no cause to fear,
far from ruin, for it shall not approach you.

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28. Zion as God’s Residence